It's Time to Get Out of the Boat
In Matthew 14, we find the incredible story of Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on the water toward Jesus. This story is more than just a miraculous event; it’s a call to each one of us. God has called those within our network, just like He called Peter, to leave behind the boat of comfort and security and step onto the uncertain yet thrilling waters of faith. It’s not always easy, but we believe there's a deeper purpose within us that whispers, "There is more to life than just sitting in the boat."
Think about it—how often do we stay in our boat, clinging to what feels safe and familiar? But deep down, we know we were made for more than just avoiding failure. We were created to walk on water with Jesus, to embrace the adventure He has laid out for us. There’s something inside us that nudges us, reminding us that life is not meant to be lived in the confines of our fears and doubts.
Yes, there might be many good reasons to stay in the boat. It’s comfortable. It’s secure. But the best reason to step out is because that’s where Jesus is. The water is where we encounter Him in ways we never would by staying in our safe zone. When Peter stepped out of the boat, he experienced the power and presence of Jesus like never before. And that’s what we are invited to do—to experience Jesus in our steps of faith.
So, what is the boat in your life? Where is Jesus calling you to step out and trust Him more? Whether it’s a new job, a relationship, a move, or a leap of faith in your spiritual journey, there is nothing like walking in faith, focused on Jesus.
Let’s take that step together, knowing that when we do, we are not alone. Jesus is already there, waiting for us on the water.